The Law of the Spider
One of the children played in his room until he got bored and wanted to have fun with something. He looked around him and found nothing but a spider that had built its house in one of the corners. The child smiled with the cunning smile and thought about destroying the spider’s house, and in fact he destroyed it. The spider escaped after a while, and the spider returned to build its house. Then the child came and destroyed his house again. The child was still destroying the spider’s house. On the other hand, the spider was still building his house with love and happiness. In this story there is a strange law of life. I do not think that a man with a normal mind would not understand this law. . The law of the spider is (I will continue to build my house even if they demolish it a thousand times). Indeed, the advantages of the law are that it builds its house happily. You will not find a spider after its house is demolished sitting in a corner and crying and saying, “I am a failure, I have bad luck, as some people do today.” Be a spider in your life, do not think about who betrayed you and do not care about the pain of life. This reminded me of one of the lecturers I heard saying to his audience: Do you want to complete your work and finish it? You have to work non-stop. The answer was very beautiful, but it was a spider answer that followed the spider law.
From the book Life Skills by Ibrahim Al-Shamlan